Making Of The Movie essay topics

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  • Sorts Of Celebrities
    339 words
    The people that youth look up to should send a positive message to the young. They should be concerned about the development of america and the well being of the children that have to grow up in our time of war. Michael Jordon sends a positive message to kids such as 'stay in school' and 'dont do drugs'. Michael donates a portion of his wealth to all sorts of charities and fund racers. His work with youth has been improved on by doing disney movies such as 'Space Jam'. That particular movie didn...
  • Top Of Corporate America
    1,052 words
    Stephen Ferruzza Professor Housel March 8, 2000 Essay # 2 Opinions and views that take place in Hollywood movies are intended to be realistic. To the viewer, the plots and stories seem so believable that reality becomes faded and a simulated world becomes present inside their minds. In the movies Big and Working girl, Corporate America is portrayed actually the way it is. The atmosphere in Corporate America has progressed toward a higher complexity. The education and skills needed to succeed mus...
  • Known As Emotional Appeals
    1,240 words
    The Outcasts When you hear the word magic, what do you think of Sorcerers, illusions, or what about Merlin the magician Well all of those thoughts are correct. The most common one though is known as the art of witchcraft. Witchcraft has been practiced for thousands of years, and for it's entire existence the witches were made outcasts. They could not show their faces in public areas without having people point and stare. Deviance became their second nature. There are many movies that talk about ...
  • Transformation Of Novels Into Movies
    1,181 words
    The Changing Of Characters Many time in our lives, we have seen the transformation of novels into movies. Some of them are equal to the novel, few are superior, and most are inferior. Why is this Why is it that a story that was surely to be one of the best written stories ever, could turn out to be Hollywood flops One reason is that in many transformations, the main characters are changed, some the way they look, others the way they act. On top of this, scenes are cut out and plot is even change...
  • Case In The Movie Sleepy Hollow
    1,224 words
    'Sleepy Hollow' film Review Blood and murder usually go down a treat for the people who love gore but this is not the case in the movie 'Sleepy Hollow'. Repetition is the key to an ultimately predictable film. Just as in any other film we see a substance with a resemblance to blood fall onto a piece of paper. This tells our minds the movie will have elements of horror. Then two hands, male and female, clasp. A headless horseman then appears decapitating an innocent man on the run in the woods. T...
  • Winter Moon And Red Sunset
    1,188 words
    John Boorman adapted the "Passing of Arthur" in the movie " Excalibur". Movies are not the only adaptations of Tennyson's poem but there are several art and music adaptations. Examples of these adaptations include music by Loreena Mckennitt and paintings by John William Waterhouse, Howard Pyle and Arthur Rackham. In Bela Balazs's Art Form and Material Balazs states that a good adaptation is a reinterpretation of the original. Boorman uses nature and color to recreate the atmosphere of the origin...
  • Great Movie About The Alamo
    617 words
    A well made movie about the Alamo is well overdue. In the past there have been many movies that have tried to recreate the events of those unforgettable thirteen days. However, they have all ceased to hit the nail on the head. I have lived in San Antonio my whole life and it wasn't until recently that Have come to a better understanding of the story that is the Alamo. There are many things to consider when making a movie about the Alamo. Issues concerning racism, authenticity, and historical fac...
  • Their Movie Courage Under Fire
    2,063 words
    Courage Under Fire In 1991, millions of people tuned in to CNN to observe a real life and death drama played out in the cities and deserts of Iraq. For the United States, the war was more or less a display of power and a preservation of economic interest. Nobody was to ever hear of the mishaps and foul-ups of the war. In many eyes the war was seen as a chance to boost American spirit and make the government look empowered. Director Edward Zwick and writer Patrick Shane Duncan snatched onto this ...
  • President's Face In The Movie
    929 words
    Wag The Dog The movie starts with the President hit with the claim he had sexual relations with a firefly girl during a tour of the white house, and all this happens two weeks before the election. I'm not sure if this movie was actually based upon the Lewinsky scandal that our current president is facing, but it seems this movie came at the right time. The story is similar, as far as the sex charges, and a war to cover it up. Clinton did declare attacks on Iraq, which was after this movie was re...
  • Cider House Rules
    774 words
    The Cider House Rules' is a movie based on John Irving's best selling book. It is a very wonderful, touching, and real 1943's life story. The story centered on an orphanage child named Homer and a sick doctor, Dr Larch who will have an emotional bond with Homer. I watched the movie before, and my first impression on this movie, I think it is a very good, and relax movie, where you can watch it with your family, although some of the scene may be offended for children. The Cider House Rules, begin...
  • Spielberg's Schindler's List
    754 words
    Steven Spielberg As a kid in Phoenix, Steven Spielberg charged admission to his home movies while his sister sold popcorn. Although Spielberg excelled at making movies he was not a good student. He hated school and was one of the most unathletic students there. His movie making career began at the age of twelve when his father bought a movie camera that Spielberg used all the time. Instead of doing his school work he was using the camera. While he was working with his mom and sister on his proje...
  • Money For Japanese Movies
    599 words
    If talking more precisely on Miyazakis business success his objectives are worthy mentioning. One of them is to make money while doing what you like. It seems that he succeeded in this principle well. One more important issue is understanding of movie making specifics form economic stand point. The reason is that it's going to cost you more than for example 700 million in production costs. That is enough only to cover the costs of getting the film ready and printing negative on hand. The next st...
  • Neil And Del
    1,012 words
    Story line: it's two day till thanksgiving and Neil page just finish his business trip in new York city and all he wants to do is catch his flight back to Chicago to be with his family for the holiday. Instead, his flight got cancelled and he meets an over friendly guy with a huge blabbermouth and tell to many bad jokes. Pretty much the guy you don t want to get stuck with and the one that would drive you insane. Del Griffith the corky zany shower curtain salesman who always has some kind of adv...
  • Money Off The Streets
    733 words
    It is a dream to live a life being wealthy with a beautiful family. Does it matter if whether the wealth come from legal or illegal activity? If anyone can make money either way and get away with it, then it really doesn't matter. It is hard to make a good living in this world. Many people do not have the opportunity to succeed, so they have to go on the streets and make money a different way. It is risky working on the streets to make thousands maybe even millions. In this paper I am going to t...
  • Deals With Similar Issues As The Wanderers
    890 words
    For a movie to be entertaining there has to be catchy dialogue, developed characters, and thought-provoking issues. I should not only come out of the movie having been entertained, but thinking about the context of the story. Many of today's movies like American Pie take complex life changing situations and sugar coat them into nothing more than a slight passing discomfort. The Wanderers, directed by Philip Kaufman, deals with many thought-provoking, life changing issues. It deals with gang viol...
  • End Of The Movie Kyle
    2,223 words
    "Many funny moments, many gross moments, many flashes of breast and sexual situations... the first good movie of the summer" (User Reviews, 2). Josh and Tiffany have been boyfriend and girlfriend ever since they were five years old. They are hitting their first challenge in their relationship... college. They are going to two different schools, 1500 miles apart. Road Trip is a humours teenage movie about college students on a cross-country trip to intercept a sexually explicit home video before ...
  • Movie The English Teacher
    574 words
    The Dead Poets Society The movie The Dead Poets Society was an incredible story about growing and learning to think for yourself. In this movie the English teacher, John Keating stresses the phrase "Carpe Diem!" (Seize the day) to inspire his students to "suck the marrow out of life" and become free thinkers. To me, it was amazing to see how one mans inspiration can break a mold of students who did not think for themselves, and get them to start living a life where they chose their own fate. The...
  • Star Of The Silent Movies
    656 words
    ! inging in the Rain!" There is no movie musical more fun than! inging in the Rain, !" set in the period of transition from silent movies to movies with sound. Transitions are never smooth, and it is shown here quite hilariously. The film is above all lighthearted and happy. In performance, the three stars -- Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly), Cosmo Brown (Donald O'Connor) and Kathy Seldon (Debbie Reynolds)! V are giddy with joy. No one who loves movies can afford to miss it. This restored version of th...
  • Drama To The Movie
    459 words
    A Separate Peace Action, Adventure, Guilt, some of the characteristics of the book A Separate Peace. A tragic story about the events of a boys life named Finny. Finny and his best friend, or his arch rival, horse around and play games until things get crazy and someone gets hurt. All of these traits of this book would make a great movie for young moviegoers everywhere. A Separate Peace would make a good movie because of the great action and drama involved. The boys are jumping from tree limbs to...
  • Whole Aliens From Outer Space
    463 words
    No I do not believe in aliens. I will tell you why I do not believe in aliens. I don? t believe in aliens because I believe nothing that is not a fact, or some thing that I haven? t seen with my own eyes. I also believe movie producer's think this whole aliens from outer space is phony too! But, the reason they make these movies and continue to manipulate our minds into thinking this non-sense is because it's puts money into their pockets and makes them a pretty-penny and that's their profit and...

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