Video Game Violence essay topics

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  • Games For Their Kids
    328 words
    Violence in Video Games Why do kids want to see the violence in video games? Why do parents let them see the violence? Why do companies make these violent games? Why are some of the most popular video games violent ones? What are some of the ratings that are supposed to protect kids? Today kids seem to prefer games that have blood or violence in them. Most games, other than sports games, are violent games. There are even games that are based on military action or wars. In these military games th...
  • Video Game Violence
    1,908 words
    Since the television was invented in 1924, news and current affairs programs have surly become one of our main media sources. With this in mind, reporters and stations alike are able to manipulate their audiences through a variety of techniques, to make them believe a representation of reality as opposed to the true fact. This is evident in the current affairs story "Video Game Violence" and the standard news story "Music Video Ban". These similar stories both originated from Channel Nine and re...
  • Video Game Violence
    1,475 words
    Video Game Violence Video games have been a part of American culture since the arcade boom of the late 1970's. Games were created as a form of entertainment, to relieve the stresses of everyday life. Over the years video games evolved and eventually came home in the form of Atari, Intellivision and Colecovision. Soon after, Japan followed suit and created the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and the Sega Master System which became extremely popular game systems in the United States. Since the...
  • Violence I
    270 words
    HIp Hop today ig growing all over the world. Hip Hop is at it's highest stand-point as we speak. But one question comes along with this scene rio, and that's it's violence. Many hip hop artist today deal with the violence in the streets and shows. there are too many young people who watch these videos and take heed to whats going on in these videos with females shaking the butts. it is definitely not good for the children of today. we need more rappers like run doc, eric b and raki m and all tho...
  • Violence In Video Games
    608 words
    Violence in Video Games and Its Affects on Teens Ever since their conception, video games have contained violence; violence being to cause pain or death onto other beings. From early video games to the most advanced, violence plays an important role. Early games like Wonder Boy and Space Invaders contain violence. Space Invaders involves shooting and killing as many alien as possible. Wonder Boy has our hero killing monsters that vanish upon death. The hero is also subjected to violence as enemi...
  • Way For Countless Other Violent Video Games
    848 words
    Mortal Kombat " According to Time magazine, September 27, 1993, violence in video games is on the rise especially with the release of Mortal Kombat. Over 50 million children all over the United States brought this violence into their homes. The parents and other adults of these children finally decided that the video games in the U.S. had gone too far". Mortal Kombat was the first game that brought blood and gore into the video game world. Mortal Kombat started in the arcades it was such a hit, ...
  • Violence On Television And Video Games
    903 words
    Television Violence and Its Effect on Children The children of today are surrounded by technology and entertainment that is full of violence. It is estimated that the average child watches from three to five hours of television a day! (Neilson 1993). Listening to music is also a time consuming pastime among children. With all of that exposure, one might pose the question, 'How can seeing so much violence on television and video games and hearing about violence in in music affect a child's behavi...
  • Children Of Divorced Parents
    2,591 words
    Many people are quick to make accusations why the children of this age are doomed. Recently, with the high school shootings, people are pointing fingers to determine what has caused the recent outbreak of "youth violence". It doesn't seem like that youth violence has happened to this extent at any age throughout the history of the United States. Why is there this increase in violence People are looking at what has been the biggest change in the United States in the past fifty years. Most people ...
  • Violence In Video Games
    788 words
    Is There a High Degree of Violence in Video Games? Ever since their conception, video games have contained violence, violence being to cause pain or death onto other beings. From the earliest games to most advanced modern 1st person shooter violence plays an important role in games. Determining that violence is present in video games is easy and the answer is yes. The early games like Wonder Boy and Space Invaders contain violence, the later involves the player shooting and killing and many alie...
  • Violence In Video Games
    373 words
    VIDEO GAMES AND VIOLENCE Tonight on the ten o'clock news, I watched a story about a boy who killed his younger brother as they were playing out parts of the video game Half Life. The two were known in the neighborhood as "Good, friendly and were children that were easy to get along with", said a neighbor. They were acting out parts of the action / adventure game when the younger boy grabbed his dad's loaded gun. The oldest brother grabbed the gun, and not knowing it was loaded fired it. The kid ...
  • Effects Of Violent Video Games On Youths
    2,136 words
    Introduction The problem I am researching is the desensitizing of America's youth through violence in the mass media, specifically television and video games. I am interested in studying it because as violence on television and the violent content contained in video games has increased, so has youth violence. I want to find if the increasing violence shown on television and video games has a desensitizing effect on America's youth, thus, increasing the probability that they will commit an act of...
  • Major Concern About Violent Video Games
    1,431 words
    Violent Video Games: How are they affecting our Youth? In this day and age it seems as if America's youth is becoming more violent. Concern for those aspects in our society which influence violent acts has become an issue since the tragedy at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. Many feel one aspect of today's society affecting our nation's youth in a negative manner is video games. Is this form of entertainment really a factor in teen violence? I think not. Video games are not to blame for ...
  • Violence In Video Games
    987 words
    On April 20th, 1999 two teenagers, Eric Harris and Dylan Kle bold walked into their school in Columbine Colorado and began a one-hour long killing spree, which ended in the death of 12 of their fellow classmates and one teacher and left another 28 wounded. The shooters then took their own lives. The two teenage gunmen did not have a previous history of violence but were both enthusiasts of killing-oriented video games. The violence in video games was a major factor in teaching these kids how to ...
  • Effect Of Violence In Media With Children
    840 words
    Is the media to blame for society's problems This is the question that has been asked ever since television became a household necessity. There are many different types of media today ranging from newspapers, to television programs, video games and stories. There have been many arguments upon arguments about this issue, and over thousands of studies have been conducted. Unfortunately there isn t one single result, there is only an array of supposed answers to this undying question. When presente...
  • Violence With Aggressive Behavior In Children
    818 words
    A Threat to Our Society Violence is everywhere in our society today. It is in the sports we watch, the schools we attend, and even in many of our personal and domestic relationships. The question then becomes: what is causing all of this violence Certainly, there are a number of factors and the blame cannot be pinned on one source. One factor which must be examined, however, is the media and its influence on young people. Several incidents have occurred which prove, at the very least, that media...
  • Video Game Producers And Movie Producers Need
    462 words
    Gregg Easterbrook writes, "Children who don't yet understand the difference between illusion and reality may be highly affected by video violence" (467). This quotation suggests that children who are not taught the difference between right and wrong, and good or evil will not understand the difference of illusion versus reality. Because of this, parents should educate their children on violence so that they will be able to make that distinction between what is right and what is wrong. Today, in ...
  • Most Violent Games
    2,073 words
    In today's world, violence is becoming an ever-growing theme. In movies, on television, and now becoming increasingly prevalent in videogames, violence has become an interaction in many people's everyday lives. While television and theaters may be too hard to enforce, violence in videogames needs to stop sooner than later in many families home. Researchers now believe that violent electronic games have a far greater impact than violence on television (such as the Sopranos), because of their inte...
  • Video Games Lead To Violence
    452 words
    Topic: Video games lead to violence Specific purpose: To persuade my audience that video games lead to violence. Thematic statement: Introduction: On April 20, 1999 two teenagers, Eric Harris and Dylan Kle bold walked into their school in Columbine Colorado and began a one-hour long killing spree, which caused 13 deaths of students and teachers and 28 wounded. Then they took their own lives. The two boys did not have any previous history of violence but they were both fanatics of killing-oriente...

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