Video Games essay topics

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  • New Industry In Gaming Video Games
    371 words
    New Industry in Gaming Video games are no longer the nerdy stepchild of popular entertainment. Last year, US sales topped $7 billion, closing in on the $9 billion film industry. Nearly half of all US homes own one game-playing machine, and 23 percent own more than three, according to Nielsen Entertainment. The technical requirements for video games are pushing the most popular technologies - including cell phones, Palm Pilots, computers, and TV - to become more versatile and powerful. College gr...
  • Level Of Play In A Video Game
    1,702 words
    Running head: Video Video games: Where is the Harm? English COM 121-136 March 12, 2005 Abstract Many people do not believe there are benefits to playing video games. However there are many benefits to exposing and letting children interact with video games. Some benefits include opportunity to immerse ourselves in character, development of hand-eye coordination, cognitive thinking skills, cooperative playing skills, fine motor skills, and real-time decision making abilities. Banning video games,...
  • Three Video Game Systems
    966 words
    The Video Game Wars Brian Paik Video games are a big market these days. Within the past few years, the industry has boomed into a very large business. Within this business, there are three big companies are fighting to be the best. Nintendo's N 64, Sega's Saturn, and Sony's Playstation are the three main systems in this huge market. Because there are so many games for these systems, and because it is such a big business, stores specializing in only these games are opening everywhere. A few days ...
  • Game Stop
    437 words
    As of Monday morning Game Stop bought EB Games for 1.44 billion dollars, 70 percent of it being cash and the rest in stock shares. So what does this mean to the average person? Probably not much, but to the gamers of the world it is tremendous. Game Stop is the largest video game chain in the United State and EB Games has expanded itself from the United States to Canada, and now even Paris. In short, with Game Stop merging with EB Games, it has created a corporation as large or even larger than ...
  • Video Games During High School Computer Class
    797 words
    The computer has become one of the most important and influential luxuries of this generation. Young people use computers every day for school, work, and entertainment. They are the first generation to have become computer literate as early as the onset of adolescence. For most of their lives they have used computers, so it is not surprising that our generation has become highly dependent upon them. Frustration usually occurs when one can not get access to their computer. In college dorms, stude...
  • Video Game Consol Industry
    1,722 words
    The video game industry has become a huge influence on society and the economy today. It is an industry that is so huge that it is estimated that 70% of U. S homes will own a Video game system by the year 2005, (Cassandra, 2002) Just one year away. But what made it the way it is? Since it is still an industry it has to follow the natural laws of economics. In this paper we will dive into the industry that now has gone beyond movies and recordings in profit. The first is that the video game conso...
  • Violence Of Media Image And Video Games
    940 words
    Reaction Paper October 28, 2004 Violent Media Images and Video Games Results In Violent Behavior Can violent media images and video games result in violent behavior? The answer is yes. For a few decades now hundreds of researchers have take time to research the relationship of media images and video games to violent behavior in children. In the next few paragraphs I will discuss why media images and video games result in violent behavior in children. This paper will also provide some important f...
  • The Effect Of Violence In The Media On Children
    1,191 words
    Television, movies, and video games are a big part of children's lives in today's technologically advanced society. However, there is a big controversy questioning the effects of these media outlets on children. Much of society claims to have proof for the belief that media violence affects children negatively. However, I am skeptical of the evidence that is stated to prove that claim. I feel that society has placed the blame on these mediums for the violent acts, however serious or trivial, tha...
  • Look At Video Games
    1,239 words
    Violence in the media is a very complex subject; extracting what actually causes aggression and what is just arbitrary circumstance can be a very sticky process. For instance, as a recreational player of video games, I play what might be considered violent games (mostly an online 'shoot 'em up' game called Counter-Strike) in the eyes of someone who perceives what I am doing as 'killing' or as violent, but there in lies the problem: I make no association with the death, killing or violence. Yes, ...
  • Portable Game Systems And Pc Game Software
    303 words
    Market research firm DFC Intelligence has released its latest forecast for the video game and interactive entertainment industry. The new report forecasts that worldwide sales of traditional PC game, video game and portable game hardware and software are expected to increase from $23.2 billion in 2003 to $31.6 billion in 2009. Last month DFC released a separate report, The Online Game Market 2004, which estimated that the online game market would reach sales of $9.8 billion by 2009. This would r...
  • Industry Analysis Structure The Video Game Industry
    2,214 words
    Environmental Analysis Demographic trends Gaming has become an important part of growing up for people who were born in the last 25 years. Approximately 3.9 - 4.7% of total world population (250 to 300 million people) is! SS very active!" or a! SS frequent!" player of video games or at least owns the necessary equipment. This target group spends five or more hours a week playing video games. The United States is the largest video game market in the world with about 50% of the US population (145 ...
  • Good Video Game
    681 words
    It's getting late. Around 11: 30 PM. I know I should be getting to bed soon; I have to get up at 8: 00 AM to get ready for class. But, I figure I'll just pop FIFA 2004 into my PC and play for a little bit. Just to get past the next section. I'll save at the next save point, turn it off, and go to sleep. Video games are one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoy playing any kind of video game as long as it's fun and has an interesting concept. Over the years video games technology has improved immensel...
  • Video Game Stories
    1,247 words
    The Video Game Narrative The first argument that arose out of the video game world was the debate of video game violence. Still unresolved, this debate has actually allowed for the video game industry to come fully into the main stream. As the din over violence quieted the fans of the game society began to focus on issues more akin to their own style. So then began the debate of game play vs. the video game narrative. The question arose; can a game also be a story? While the semantics would sugg...
  • Biggest Market For Video Games With Japan
    896 words
    In November 2001 Microsoft entered the hotly contested video games console market shared by Sony and Nintendo with it's Xbox console. In a market that has traditionally only been able to support 2 contenders, increased consumer demand driven by changes in technology and consumer behaviour has given Microsoft hope of muscling in on a highly lucrative market. At the time of the Xbox's entry, the latest generation console market was already approaching the second stage of it's product life cycle. T...
  • Music In The Video Game Industry
    1,414 words
    Music In Video Games Throughout the history of the video game industry, there has been many changes concerning music in video games. Music in video games progressed greatly within the life of the industry from 1972 to the present. These progressions can be seen as improvements in quality which includes an increase in the number of output channels, an increase in song length, a great improvement in the quality of timbres, and also a general shift from non-programmatic music to programmatic music ...
  • Myth Of The Ergodic Video Game
    712 words
    James Newman wrote an interesting paper concerning the issue of video games. The paper is called The myth of the ergodic video game and it expresses the authors attitudes towards the development of the game industry within the conceptual frameworks of the whole e-commerce industry. This paper can actually be classified as descriptive essay with the elements of explanation in it. Academics have recently begun to devote much-needed attention to a cultural form in which the processes of testing, ha...
  • Pulse Rate For One Minute And Record
    365 words
    The purpose of this experiment is to find out if video games affect your pulse rate. I predict that the more intense the game is, the higher the pulse rate will be. I believe this because in an intense game, you can get real nervous which would cause you to push the buttons very fast. Sony Playstation Sony Playstation Controller Cool Boarders 3 game Crash Bandicoot 2 game Gran Turismo game Final Fantasy VII game stop watch TV 1. Read resting pulse rate for one minute and record. 2. Repeat step 1...
  • Video Game Producers And Movie Producers Need
    462 words
    Gregg Easterbrook writes, "Children who don't yet understand the difference between illusion and reality may be highly affected by video violence" (467). This quotation suggests that children who are not taught the difference between right and wrong, and good or evil will not understand the difference of illusion versus reality. Because of this, parents should educate their children on violence so that they will be able to make that distinction between what is right and what is wrong. Today, in ...
  • Play Video Games
    934 words
    There are probably few adults these days who don't remember the excitement of playing early video games such as Pac Man, Space Invaders and Frogger. The ability to interact with a machine in a game situation was thrilling-and still is. Today, the little yellow dot-eater and the highly pixilated spaceships have evolved into seamlessly animated characters, graphic images of demons, and lifelike humans complete with lifelike weapons and lifelike blood. There are some benefits to video games. Studie...
  • Video Game Producers
    382 words
    I am sure everyone remembers what happened in Littleton, Colorado on April 20, 1999. Did the Columbine High school, school shooting in Colorado that day have anything to do with violence in the media? The question of, does violence in the media have any effect on the way society does things today, has been pondered over a lot since the Colorado school shooting. I believe that violence among young people today may have something to do with what they see on T. V and on video games, but I think it ...

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