Your Feelings And Your Life essay topics

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  • Great Escape From Problems In Your Life
    733 words
    POEMS The End Death hurts the soul It comes at the end of the road It starts on full But soon turns to empty It comes quicker then we would like But our lives comes equipped with that hike. Problems Problems are miles long and rivers wide But God only knows there is nowhere to hide For problems are with you everyday And from these there is no hideaway Brokenhearted Sick and heartbroken There are problems growing around me like wildflowers Ready to pull me into the cold dark earth with their root...
  • Feeling In Control
    868 words
    The Awakening: A Woman's Fight for Independence Right from the beginning the plot is almost conveniently evident. You find awoman, Edna Pontellier, tired of living her life as a pampered and "owned " wife and mother. She is searching for much more in her life, some sort of meaning for her whole existence. She searches for a long time but in the end, the inevitability of her life's pattern and direction wraps around her, suffocating her. She is overcome with wonder, confusion, and guilt for whats...
  • Rhyming Of Dare
    955 words
    The Love Song of J. Alfred Pru frock Lines 37-52 In this stanza the man regrets some of the decisions that he has made in his life. The man feels that if he allows himself to reflect upon his past he will have to deal with the emotions and consequences of a life of poor decisions. He questions if there is a chance to turn back the hands of time to, hopefully, bring an opportunity for change in his life, Do I dare and, Do I dare (Line 38). His physical aging embarrasses him, With a bald spot in t...
  • Certain Losses With Strong Feelings Of Grief
    5,593 words
    LIFE AFTER THE LOSS OF A PARTNER Introduction Feelings of loss are very personal because only the person involved in the loss knows what is significant to them. People commonly associate certain losses with strong feelings of grief. The solitude is always agonizing, especially for someone who has never lived alone. Many people lose their spouses each year. Because the modern society has few mourning rituals other than the memorial service, they may find themselves alone and disconsolate just whe...
  • Empathy To Sympathy
    436 words
    On Tuesday 6: 30 am an old friend of my mine that I knew for 20 years in NY, past away due to a heartatach, it was a shock to my self and all his family. I flew out to New York, trying to put my self together as it just hit me I will never see him again or hear his remarks about my way of life. All of the sudden I realized if I feel like that how will his children feel, how will there stepmother feel, and I remember yes they just lost their mom few years ago and now their dad. I started feeling ...
  • Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
    330 words
    James Thurber, 'The secret life of Walter Mitty,' ' is a short story. It is based on a man who daydreams and fantasizes about great and heroic acts. From being a surgeon to a pilot to a Navy commander. His wife, Mrs. Mitty, keeps nagging him about minor things that he should remember to do. Though this story seems comical at first, I find it to be quiet sad. Walter Mitty is an irresponsible and immature person. A Navy commander who 'ain't afraid of hell', to a genius surgeon who completes a comp...
  • Prufrock's Fears
    1,006 words
    Explication of 'Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock " In T.S. Eliot's 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,' the author is establishing the trouble the narrator is having dealing with middle age. Prufrock (the narrator) believes that age is a burden and is deeply troubled by it... His love of some women cannot be because he feels the prime of his life is over. His preoccupation with the passing of time characterizes the fear of aging he has. The poem deals with the aging and fears associated with it...
  • My Other Senses
    543 words
    Sensation and Reality How would my life be if I could not see the beautiful stars at night, or if I was unable to smell and taste my favorite Italian dish, penne ala vodka, or could not listen to a Beastie Boys album, or even feel the warm sand under my feet when I'm at the beach. I know that my life would be extremely different for me if just one my senses did not all function. The one sense that I feel like would be almost impossible to live without would be my vision. In order to perform dail...
  • Elaine's Career
    867 words
    Parental affection is crucial in a childs life especially d ruing their formative years. Absence of this loving and tender behaviour can be detrimental to the child in their later life. In the novel Cat's Eye, by Margaret Atwood, the main character Elaine Risley has suffered many emotional condition a such as depression, suicidal tendencies, and has displayed symptoms similar to that of a person suffering with schizophrenia, all as a result of her parents' lack of affection toward her. This emot...
  • Feelings
    560 words
    Life's Ways with Unfair Love Forest Gump, a well-known film, not only shares the story of a man's journey through life, but it also portrays the many facts faced each day. Life is not fair, but there is no reason not to except it and just get used to it. Throughout life there are many obstacles and experiences that we all go through at one time or another. Everyone has feelings and those feelings are bound to be confusing at some point in our lives. Missing someone you love and then feeling hurt...
  • Veronica Decides To Die
    638 words
    What is reality? Webster's Unabridged Dictionary defines it as: something that exists independently of ideas concerning it; something that exists independently of all other things and from which all other things derive; something that constitutes a real or actual thing, as distinguished from something that is merely apparent. So, what defines reality? I mean can anyone, in all honesty, construct a concrete reproduction in which to turn and point proclaiming once and for all, "There, I give you r...
  • Meaursalt As A Meaningless Person
    611 words
    The new approach to the philosophical thinking of humankind being has been developed recently by many trends in the cultural development. A very popular now belief that the meaning of life is meaningless resembles the written works of the last century. Many people argue that the ignorance of socially accepted principles can lead a person to the freedom of his perception and eventually behavior. However, the real life is often far away from that what these philosophies teach us. It happens that t...
  • Different Sort Of Paralysis In Little Chandler
    1,275 words
    In James Joyce's Dubliners, we are introduced to a number of themes and symbols through a variety of short stories. One such theme that makes Dubliners a highly unified literary work is that of paralysis. This unity can be seen in many of the stories, but this paper will look specifically at "A Painful Case, "Eveline, "A Little Cloud and "The Sisters". Through the images and emotions he uses in his characters, Joyce shows us that at least one main character, from each of these four short stories...
  • Value Of Feelings In My Life
    601 words
    I vividly remember walking down the aisle during my 8th graduation. The ceremony had just ended and I was proceeding to the cafeteria for dinner. Then all of a sudden, my grandpa, who has always been relatively close to me, pulled me aside. He whispered into my ear the key to life. "Work like you don't need the money, love like you " ve never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching". However, as high school progressed, I seemed to have forgotten this advice. I have focused my att...
  • Girl's Suicide
    567 words
    For anyone who has ever had someone they know commit suicide Janice Mirikitani's Suicide Note allows you to see what makes a person take their own life. While reading this poem, the reasons behind this college girl's suicide are given. She has written this note as an apology to her parents. She compares herself to a sparrow, wishes she was someone else, and believes that if she is not perfect there is no point in going on. This poor girl feels that she has to achieve perfection in everything tha...
  • Feelings Of Loneliness
    585 words
    Simple Plan's song "I'm just a Kid", the singer talks about the age when your not a child but not yet an adult either. The singer talks about how life at this stage of being a teenager is a nightmare. The teenager thinks that he has many friends but he barely ever hears from them. He basically spends every night alone and feels lost. He feels that nobody really cares about his feelings and that he is alone in this world. He points out that "everyone's got somewhere to go" and that he is just goi...
  • Granny's Past Life
    520 words
    I believe this short story is about Granny Weatherall's feelings and emotions during death. Its purpose is to stimulate intellect into the reader's mind about life and death. Many have experienced the feeling of dying grandparents; some may have been present during the last breath. The story's purpose is to bring her feelings and emotion to life. The essence for coping with life is what I grasped from this short story. Throughout the story, I asked myself a few questions. First, what is the mean...
  • Mildred's Life
    630 words
    This song relates a lot to Mildred and her life. In the first verse, it says, "She's lost in coma where it's beautiful. Intoxicated from the deep sleep, deep sleep. Do you wonder what it's like Living in a permanent imagination, sleeping to escape reality, but you like it like that". Mildred is obsessed with her "parlor walls" and her "family". They are her life, and she seems happy because they are happy. It's all fake, but it's real in her mind and she is depressed that her family will be burn...
  • Perfect Bowl
    765 words
    The bowl in "Janus" symbolizes many thoughts and feelings that Andrea has about her life. The bowl seems to be the main character in some senses in this story. The reader is told in the opening sentence "The bowl was perfect" (205). This is a good beginning to the story because Andrea believes this to be true because it represents feelings she has about many things. Andrea, a real estate agent, uses her bowl to help sell houses by placing it on a table for potential buyers to look at. She believ...
  • Life Love
    1,198 words
    Love and let love, I don't know why but that quote comes to mind when I think of the chapter that I just read. I comes to no surprise to me that someone who is in love or has love has more to live for then that of someone who hasn't. I find it some what surprising that it could inspire someone so much that it can weaken the pain that they are feeling. Because in my experience love is what makes the world go round but it also could send you to "hell" in a second. From what I have experienced in l...

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